

First Sunday of each month!

at Salisbury

Maggie’s Markets is open at 8:00AM to 12:00PM every first Sunday of each month!

This is a local pet-friendly market with some of our regular stallholders offering handcrafted wares including: Handmade Kid’s Clothes, Millinery, Cards, Wallets & Purses, Art, Toys, Cakes, James, Herbs & Spices, Plants, Succulents, LED Lights, Doggy Treats, Health Products, Juices, Essential Oils, Soaps, Gift Baskets, Knitted & Crocheted Goods, and etc.

Interested? Site is only $20 each. Fill out the form in this page to rent a stall. Note: Rental cost of table is $5 each, power and water is $10 each and cost of Gazebo is $15 payable with your site fees.

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